ImmaCare Inc. strives to eliminate homelessness in the Hartford region, while building a more vibrant community, by creating safe and affordable housing options and increasing the skills, income and hope of those who struggle with housing crisis.
Because housing is a human right, ImmaCare Inc. will continue to work in partnership with the community to prevent and eliminate homelessness. We will provide a range of services designed to help individuals experiencing homelessness overcome the obstacles that stand in the way of securing and maintaining safe and affordable housing while becoming an integrated member of the community.
Guiding Principles
Guiding Principles: Building on ImmaCare’s history of service to Hartford’s homeless, we have articulated four principles that are core to our philosophy and that will continue to guide our work. They are as follows:
- Acceptance – We provide client-centered services, remaining open and non-judgmental
- Harm reduction – We will encourage the individuals we serve to access services and resources that can help them to address their problems, including reducing the harm and dangers associated with addiction and untreated mental illness
- Partnership – We will work in partnership with others in the community to promote a robust continuum of services for individuals who experience housing crises in Hartford
- Appreciation – We will value the work of the individuals we serve to make positive change, celebrating successes, both small and large
Non-Profit Organization
ImmaCare Inc. has been designated a 501(c)(3) nonprofit entity by the United States Internal Revenue Service. Contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.
Download the 501c3 IRS Determination Letter
Audited Financials available upon request. View the most recent Form 990 and more information available on the Donations and Bequests page.