Upgrading Agency Vehicles thanks to HFPG and DATTCO
Recently, ImmaCare received a number of small grants through the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving’s Donor Advised Funds. These grants were to be used to purchase a new Case Management Vehicle, to better serve our clients. Through this generosity, we surpassed the $10,000 goal. We were able to purchase this Toyota Sienna. Through contacts with DATTCO Bus Company, we were fortunate to receive a paint job donated on the vehicle, and with the grant money, ImmaCare paid for some body work repairs. This story gets better! DATTCO, appreciating the services we provide to those experiencing homelessness, donated a Dodge Caravan, along with the body work and paint job needed to make it look and run like brand new. We are so thankful for these relationships, and appreciate the support from Hartford Foundation for Public Giving, as well as DATTCO, for believing in ImmaCare’s mission.