Awards Banquet to Celebrate Our Clients’ Accomplishments

Each year, the ImmaCare team arranges an awards luncheon for our clients to celebrate their accomplishments. Regardless of how big or small their ‘wins’ are, we feel that it’s important to reinforce the importance of these successes. This event takes place at a local eatery and is centered around an awards ceremony. Case managers have the opportunity to nominate their clients who have gone above and beyond during the year for various awards. Awards are not cookie cutter, and are based around the achievements that are pertinent to our clients’ lives. There are awards for volunteerism and improvement, as well as attitude and focus. There is even a “White Glove Award” which is given to clients who show extra pride in their apartments by keeping them impeccably clean.
This year’s event was focused on community. Our Education and Employment Manager, Mabel Cabrera, spoke to this and how each client is a part of the agency’s community as we are a part of theirs. She also took the time to acknowledge our Shelter Interns. They are a team of clients who have been invited to take on staff-like responsibilities in exchange for a few perks and job experience on their resumes. Without our intern team, we wouldn’t be able to keep the shelter open 24/7 to serve our clients.
The event was lovely and was closed out with a reading of a poem entitled “The Race” which tells the story of a young boy who learns the lesson of “winning is more than coming in first, it’s getting up every time you fall and completing what you started.” This lesson is a very important one for our clients who often encounter challenges and struggles on their way to housing and success.